Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 5000 km
Update time = Tue, 30-Apr-2024 11:58:08 CEST

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
7 km SSE of Eşelniţa, Romania 4.2 0015191519 km 1714455725Tue, 30-Apr-2024 07:42:05 CEST map
86 km SSW of Palaióchora, Greece 4.1 0023852385 km 1714448630Tue, 30-Apr-2024 05:43:50 CEST map
18 km E of Altınyayla, Turkey 4.0 0025462546 km 1714340009Sun, 28-Apr-2024 23:33:29 CEST map
128 km SE of Lajes das Flores, Portugal 4.6 0030533053 km 1714289908Sun, 28-Apr-2024 09:38:28 CEST map
15 km NW of Tercan, Turkey 4.0 0030203020 km 1714170639Sat, 27-Apr-2024 00:30:39 CEST map
4 km SW of Grębocice, Poland 4.1 000807807 km 1714063680Thu, 25-Apr-2024 18:48:00 CEST map
69 km W of Kýthira, Greece 4.2 0021912191 km 1713989910Wed, 24-Apr-2024 22:18:30 CEST map
Reykjanes Ridge 4.8 0026702670 km 1713935927Wed, 24-Apr-2024 07:18:47 CEST map
138 km SSE of Lajes das Flores, Portugal 5.2 0031073107 km 1713886805Tue, 23-Apr-2024 17:40:05 CEST map
northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 5.0 0023392339 km 1713877539Tue, 23-Apr-2024 15:05:39 CEST map
north of Severnaya Zemlya 4.4 0045884588 km 1713875100Tue, 23-Apr-2024 14:25:00 CEST map

11 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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